Details | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer
There is a wonderful excitement for a woman, when she finds out she will become momma. We imagine what it will be like to hold our little one for the first time. We guess what color their hair will be and who’s features they will share – momma’s eyes or daddy’s chin. We think about so many details before their arrival and our anticipation grows and grows.
Many of you are there right now, waiting…. anticipating. It’s a wonderful time in a woman’s life.
And then, the big day comes. And we begin counting their story by days and then weeks. Our lives are filled with anticipation and excitement of firsts. First smiles. First giggles. First words. Sitting. Crawling. Walking.
My favorite firsts, are found in the details- details of newness, of pureness, of life. It’s the little things that we love to study while we softly rock them to sleep – their wisps of baby hair, the way their nose wrinkles as they yawn, the way they stretch those itty bitty legs, their tiny fingers, and toes curl while they dream. But there are details that are even more wonderful than that. It’s the way they settle in total comfort and safety in your arms. The way their finger wraps around yours. The joy that inches across your face as you hold them tightly. Those details are what you and I will delight in as we send them off on their first day of school.
These details are what we focus on during your newborn session, and it’s what we capture best. Pure moments, simple joy, and the amazing love between parents and their child. I invite you to experience a newborn portrait session that focuses on your love for your little ones. If you are in your second trimester, it’s not too early to schedule. I look forward to providing you with photographs that you will enjoy today, and treasure in years to come.

I would love to begin planning your portrait session. My promise is to always provide you with the most beautiful photographs of the ones you love the most.

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