Julie Brock Photography



Julie Brock Photography


Newborn, maternity, and family portrait highlights of the most amazing babies in Louisville KY and Southern Indiana.


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I'm Julie, and I'm so happy you're here. Take a look around. It's no secret we keep it light-hearted, bright, natural, relaxed, yet elevated.

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BestLouisvilleKYfamilyPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CBestLouisvilleKYnewbornPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYMaternityPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYbabyPhotographer7C03 : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos


Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer

Louisville KY Maternity & Newborn Photographer   Julie Brock Photography once in a lifetime portraits for once in a lifetime moments When I photograph expectant mothers, I want you to feel amazing and pampered. I want you to know that during this special time, you are: stunning full of grace strength made for this moment […]

BestLouisvilleKYNewbornPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CLouisvilleKYMaternityPhot : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos


Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer   Julie Brock Photography   More often than not, I’m contacted by mommas to reserve time at the studio for a newborn session, and they also have a “few questions” about a maternity session. I can hear the hesitation in their voice about stepping in front of a camera, because they […]

BestLouisvilleKYNewbornPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CLouisvilleKYMaternityPhot 1 : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos

Studio Sessions

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Maternity Photographer

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography Our babies are the most photographed generation to date. And I wonder what they’ll think when they walk by a usb drive? Let me help take care of that for you. When my babies were little, freshly home from the hospital and freshly photographed…the last thing I […]

BestLouisvilleKYnewbornPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CLouisvilleKYmaternityPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYFamilyPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYPhotographyStudio7CLouisvilleKYPhotographyinaField03 : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos

Studio Sessions

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography I was so honored to photograph these two. They traveled from DC back to Louisville to celebrate this special time with friends and family back home in Kentucky.  We worked together (even all those miles apart), planning clothing and other fun stuff. All of those details are part […]


Studio Sessions

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography Those joining our Membership have something to be excited about! This week I will be adding two new gowns for you to borrow during any of your Membership portrait sessions – maternity through your baby’s first year. These gown are classic and elegant. Mothers who have already made […]

BestLouisvilleKYnewbornPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CLouisvilleKYmaternityPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYFamilyPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYPhotographyStudio7CLouisvilleKYPhotographyinaField03 : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos


Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Newborn Photographer

Louisville Maternity Photographer | Julie Brock Photography I was so honored to photograph these two. They traveled from DC back to Louisville to celebrate this special time with friends and family back home in Kentucky.  We worked together (even all those miles apart), planning clothing and other fun stuff. All of those details are part of […]


Field Sessions


LOUISVILLE KY FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER | JULIE BROCK PHOTOGRAPHY Hello summer! It’s hot and muggy here in Kentucky, but that all changes at sunset.  Sunset changes things.  Sunset sessions are a favorite for many. One BIG reason, is the temperature is so much better. It cools down and sessions are comfy. And who can resist the soft, […]

BestLouisvilleKYfamilyPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CBestLouisvilleKYnewbornPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYMaternityPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYbabyPhotographer7C05wm : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos

Newborn & Family

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Maternity Photographer

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography When you’ve waited and waited to become mom You may remember a little while ago I shared Shelia’s story here on the blog. Her story might be like yours or that of a friend’s or family member’s. After seasons of asking “why,” and seasons of waiting, and seasons […]


Studio Sessions

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Maternity Photographer

LOUISVILLE KY NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHER | JULIE BROCK PHOTOGRAPHY Daddy’s Little Girl  Perfect just as they are.  delicate. simple. pure. real. That’s how I love to photograph your baby.  This precious little one is loved far beyond words. I would be willing to bet, she has officially melted the hearts of everyone in her family, especially […]

BestLouisvilleKYfamilyPhotographer7CJulieBrockPhotography7CBestLouisvilleKYnewbornPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYMaternityPhotographer7CLouisvilleKYbabyPhotographer7C07 : When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos

Studio Sessions

Louisville KY Newborn Photographer | Julie Brock Photography | Louisville KY Maternity Photographer

Louisville KY Maternity Photographer | Ashley’s Glimpse Ashley contacted me a few weeks ago, wanting to document this very important time in her world. We worked a little calendar magic to make it happen, and I’m so glad we did. She wanted portraits showing how much her little one is already loved, and how happy she is […]



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Newborn & family

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Let's make magic together.


© Julie Brock Photography 2024